Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, April 27th, 2011 at 7:30 PM in the United Cerebral Palsy of New York City's Community Room at 175 Lawrence Avenue.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
February 2011 Meeting Minutes
70th Precinct Community Council
February 2011 Meeting Minutes
E-mail: 70PctCC@gmail.com
Blog: http://70PctCC.blogspot.com
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
7:30 PM
United Cerebral Palsy New York
175 Lawrence Street, Brooklyn, New York
Officers Present
Ed Powell, President
Rosanne Boland, Treasurer
Mary McRae, Secretary
Nathan Thompson, Assistant Secretary
Mavis Theodore, Sergeant-at-Arms
NYPD, Elected Officials & Other Guests
Inspector Ralph Monteforte, Commanding Officer
Captain Peter Venice, Executive Officer
Captain William Taylor, Executive Officer
Det. Dominick Scotto, Community Affairs
P.O. Kim Walker, Community Affairs
Lt. Jacqueline Bourne, Community Affairs
Det. Roberto Diaz, Community Affairs
Reuven Lipkind for Senator Eric Adams
Delsie Lawson for Council Member Mathieu Eugene
Roz Sokol for Assembly Member Steven Cymbrowitz
Nelli Chervyakova for Council Member David Greenfield
Eli Slavin for Congresswoman Yvette Clarke
Ed Powell for Assembly Member Rhoda Jacobs
David Kliestik, Kings County District Attorney’s Office
Shawn Campbell for Assembly Member Jim Brennan
James Sanon for Council Member Jumanne Williams
Lauren Collins, Church Avenue BID
The regular monthly meeting of the 70th Precinct Community Council was called to order at 7:40 p.m. President Ed Powell greeted all and invited everyone to join him in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. President Powell then acknowledged the various representatives of elected officials and other distinguished guests present at the meeting (see above).
President Powell announced that Auxiliary Chief Tony Christo contacted him and wanted him to mention that on March 13th, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. there will be a memorial service for Auxiliary Police Officers which will be held at the East Midwood Jewish Center at 1625 Ocean Avenue.
On this Friday (February 25th), the Auxiliary Officers will be doing a high visibility turnout at Flatbush Junction. This means that a large number of auxiliary officers come out and make a public showing at one location to assure people that they are well covered and well protected in that area.
1. Message from Reuven Lipkin – Senator Eric Adams
Mr. Lipkin announced that our state senator would like to hear personally from you and you can email him at eadams@senate.state.ny.us also he has a website that gives updates on different events and for honoring individuals in the community. If you know of anyone that you want to be honored, his website is adams.nysenate.gov. The Senator is working in conjunction with another Senator because there is an issue coming up. On June 15th, 2011 rent stabilization/rent control guidelines will be terminated, if not put back. Almost every apartment building will have no control and the landlords can raise the rent to what they want it to be. The Senator is fighting to bring back rent stabilization laws and is fighting to make them stronger.
He also announced that summer is coming and he brought flyers for the New York Zoo, the Wildlife Conservation Society and stated that information is on the bottom where you can go and apply for a summer job.
President Powell stated that he attended a meeting at 25/35 Tennis Court whereas he was one of the speakers. He stated that the tenants are fighting a good fight for descent housing, good quality of life where they live because they are up against very strong odds. However under the leadership of Brother Emmanuel they are doing a fantastic job.
2. Message on Church Avenue BID – Lauren Collins (New Director)
The Church Avenue BID encompasses Church Avenue between Coney Island and Flatbush Avenues. What the BID does is look out for the marketing, promotion, government relations of Church Avenue businesses, and try to bring people to Church Avenue to shop. They work with the merchants so that they have the resources that they need. She stated that they have a wonderful beat cop (Officer Glendo) and that the 70th Precinct has been pretty receptive and seemly very open to work with them to make sure that the BID is very safe and clean and that everyone gets what they want out of that shopping district.
3. Reports from the Commanding Officer. Commander Monteforte greeted everyone with Happy New Year because it was the first meeting of the year. Due to increment weather in January the meeting was canceled. He stated that he would show a power point presentation that would show what’s going on in the Precinct regarding crime and quality of life issues.
He asked if anyone had any questions or issues in the community:
Someone asked how you go about making a recommendation for the precinct Cop of the Month.
You can call the Community Affairs Office (718) 851-5557, which is headed by Lt. Bourne, or you can write a letter. If you write a letter it will go into the officer’s personal folder which is always good, or if you don’t want to write a letter, call the office, give them the information and they will bring the officer in and let him or her know that the people in the community appreciate what they are doing.
A representative from Prospect Park South complimented the 70th on a tempered response to an aggressive person who seemed determined to bait the officers into aggression. He extended his gratitude to the officers on their restraint in dealing with the situation whereas nobody got hurt.
A representative from a building on East 21st Street brought narcotic complaints but continued the conversation privately after the meeting.
Commander Monteforte announced that there are new Impact Officers. The first week of January the Impact Officers that were there for the past two years have been transferred to other precincts.
A resident from Martense Street expressed frustration at having been redistricted into the 70th precinct. He voiced complaints about police response in his area. Commander Monteforte will look into the complaints.
He then went through a Power Point presentation addressing various demographics, statistics and incidents of note in our area:
A breakdown of who’s living in the 70th Precinct: African Americans 39%, White 36%, and Hispanic 13%. The Houses of Worship: Mosques 9, Churches 67, and Synagogues 75.
The city was down by 1.6% by the end of the year; we were down by 6%. We did a little bit better than the city in percentage of crime reduction. In 1993 there were 142 victims of shootings, in 2008 there were 24. In 1993 there were 46 homicides, in 2008 there were seven. It continues to get lower, however we still have to get guns off the streets. If you know of anyone with an illegal handgun you call 1 866 GUNSTOP, you will remain anonymous. We will get the person, take the gun off the streets and you will get $1,000.00, no questions asked. They will give you an ID number so that you can collect your money.
In a similar program, if there was someone in the house that passed away and was in the military and had a registered gun that would be illegal after the person passed away. You can bring the gun into the precinct and get $100 for it. Or if you find a gun somewhere, you can bring the gun to the precinct and get $100.00. We want to get the guns off the streets. We don’t want anyone using these guns to commit robberies, or a child using it and accidentally shooting himself. We don’t want children out there carrying these guns and something bad happens such as a police encounter issue.
Gun Arrests: Last year we took 66 guns off the streets. Personnel in the precinct took 47 of them. Police Officers didn’t shoot their guns once in the 70th Precinct. To take 66 guns off the streets, most of those guns are on somebody’s body usually in their waistband. To take that many guns off the streets, not one cop getting hurt, not one civilian getting hurt, not one bad guy getting hurt, that is tremendous restraint and a lot of guns off the streets. With the help of the community, we can get even more guns off the streets.
The murderer from the August 19th liquor store incident was caught.
There was a slight increase in robbery in the 70th last year from 382 to 400. Friday night was the most common evening for robbery last year. In 1990 there were over 2,000 robberies in that year. We are getting lower. Hopefully we can get lower this year.
Last year there we had 28 crimes in transit. On Church Avenue subway station, the 70th Precinct Officers not the Transit Officers were there 1,300 times to make sure that everyone was safe.
Felony assaults were up 7% from last year (337 to 362 this year.) Almost a third of our felony assaults are domestic related. A felony assault is not a slap or a punch it is usually getting hit with a stick or a very serious injury.
Commander Monteforte showed different objects that kids were carrying in the streets such as a marker with a sheetrock screw, also a marker with a razor at the end of it which is extremely dangerous.
Commander Monteforte reminded building dwellers that they could sign up for the FTAP program that allows officers to randomly patrol the hallways of their buildings. They currently have 398 active locations. Interested tenants can contact Officer Joanne Fundaro at 718-851-5556. A lot of inside crimes have decreased because of this program.
Domestic Violence is a big issue. The 70th precinct also now has a Domestic Violence Drop In Program. They made over 1,000 visits last year to families, to let them know of the services they offer. Call 718 851-5569 for more information. Commander Monteforte stated that he did not want any one becoming a victim of a crime without knowing how the police department can help them. Last year there were 120 victims of domestic violence.
Commander Monteforte explained Grand Larceny. For example, if someone snatches a phone from your hand it is considered a grand larceny. 67 times last year people were on their cell phones and not paying attention and someone runs up to them and snatches their phones and runs away. People are also getting pick pocketed on trains and buses.
Last year 114 people left property in their car worth more than $1,000.00. He stressed, you have to properly secure your property. Put things that are valuable in your trunk.
The Precinct offers services to come into your home to find ways to make it more secure. Contact Community Affairs at (718) 851-5557.
Burglary is down 13%. In 2009 there were 370 burglaries, in 2010 there were 322. DNA left behind was cited as a factor in the increased burglary arrests.
Etching Program for electronic devices: Come into the Precinct and they will put a number on your device with invisible ink.
Most frequently stolen Cars: Maxima, Sentry, Camry, Civic. (In 2010 185 cars were stolen, in 2009, 200 cars were stolen and 1990, 3,298 cars were stolen.)
Commander Monteforte announced that we have great youth programs. If you know anyone out there who is getting into trouble, call the precinct and they will come to the house and speak to the youth and let you know what is going on. Let us help these kids. We also do Scared Straight Programs so that inmates can speak to them. We take them to youth courts and mediations. There are a lot of things the Precinct can do to help out troubled youths.
Last year we had over 6,000 311 calls. The majority were noise complaints, 911 calls averaged 300 calls per day. The 70th Precinct is the second busiest precinct throughout the city.
Two people just graduated from the Civilian Police Academy. If anyone is interested in participating please speak to Det. Dominick Scotto at (781) 851-5557.
In terms of Graffiti we are doing a lot better, the streets are a lot cleaner. If you see anyone doing graffiti please call 911. If you want something cleaned up you can call the Mayor’s office and speak to Mr. Smith and see if he can arrange a clean-up for you. The Precinct also does clean-ups as well.
Year Graffiti Arrests
2010 103
2009 86
2008 47
Commander Monteforte emphasized that you must wear your seatbelts; if not you will get a summons. He showed a demonstration of what happens if you don’t have your seatbelt on.
Last year we locked up over 100 people who were driving while intoxicated.
4. Message from Council Member Jumanne Williams
In June or July this year there is a possibility that rent stabilization could be lost in the state of New York. A lot of people aren’t aware and he wanted to make sure people know about this. It happened at the state level and they have a real rent reform effort, where people are trying to fight to make sure that rent stabilization and rent control stays in the state of New York. Rent stabilization not only keeps the rent low but there are other things that are important, such as the right to remain in your apartment, the right to lease renewal, the right to go to court if you have problems or violations. You will lose those rights if you don’t have rent stabilization. People who want to get involved can call his office (718.629.2900) and they will connect you to people who are doing it.
Council Member Williams announced that he was having a youth march on March 14th, 2011. Not In My Hood March. They are trying to get 5,000 young people to walk on antiviolence. It is not just going to be a march. It is going to be an affair after in hopes of connecting some of the young people with services.
Anyone wanting funding must call his office 718.788.7860. In order to get funding from his office you must attend a community meeting as to discuss ways to improve the community.
5. Message from David Kliestik - Kings County District Attorney’s Office
The 70th Precinct is a very productive precinct. Since January the 70th Precinct has two separate convictions. One was a burglary and the other was attempted assault 1. In addition, before we go to trial, a judge determines if the police acted properly. There were seven hearings since January whereas the judge did determine they acted properly on gun cases, burglary cases, and robbery cases.
Cops of the Month
Sgt. Gary Louissant
Officer Hiram Riffas
On New Year’s Eve on Ocean Avenue the officers observed a small group of people hanging out in front of a building. As they approached them the officers saw a guy with a gun. They gave chase, the guy with the gun runs into a building. They caught him on the second floor stairway with a loaded firearm on him. They took the gun off him and no shots were fired. He had five shell casings in the bag, which meant he shot five times before they got there. After arresting him they discovered that he was arrested in 2004 for shooting two people in the 70th Precinct.
The next meeting will be held on the last Wednesday, March 30th, 2011. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary McRae
Nathan Thompson
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70th Precinct Community Council
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